Thursday, April 18, 2013


This is probably the most common symbol of Marriage Equality, otherwise known as Gay Marriage.

Today New Zealand passed the amendment to their Marriage Act to allow for Marriage Equality to be a reality.

Why is Australia behind New Zealand on Marriage Equality and why are we not more progressive with this?

There's a multitude of reasons but the bottom line is our current Federal leaders. Both are opposed to making any such amendment to our Marriage Act and so it doesn't see the light of day let alone come close to being a reality.

But at least Prime Minister Gillard is not imposing her opinion on her entire party. The Labor party are able to make a conscience vote on this topic and that is fair and reasonable when you consider the cross section of people that make up a political party.

Mr Abbott believes his opinion should be the Liberal Party's opinion so irrespective of the fact that there are genuine progressive thinkers in his ranks, notably Mr Malcolm Turnbull, their opinion and their vote does not count.

That is the real reason we do not have Marriage Equality. It will remain so as long as Abbott leads this coalition.

Let's not forget though that there are still many Australians against Marriage Equality. Most of the church fraternity are against it, but not all. The church believe that it's a condition of marriage to be consisting of a man and a woman and that it is a religious tradition that should be respected.

But the Marriage Act was written by legislators, I'm not sure of their religion, but the Marriage Act is not a religious tradition at all. Its a federal law, case closed.

But there's still many people outside the church who are against it as well. Many people who are married believe it taints, or belittles the sanctity of their marriage. If gay people can do it, it makes it less special. Let's hope they didn't think sodomy was special then.

I have to say that I myself am not an advocate for Marriage. I don't expect that I will ever marry and that realisation has never bothered or upset me. Being denied Marriage Equality does not evoke any angst or bitterness in me. I can handle not being allowed to do something I feel I probably wont do.

And let's face the facts, the Heterosexuals have not been able to make a success of marriage on the whole. It is a fact that the majority of marriages fail to achieve the 'till death do us part' bit. Many kids' hearts are broken when this happens and many kids only end up seeing one parent for many reasons. So take kids out of the equation when thinking about this.

Heterosexuals can marry more than once too. How about that? For many the second time tends to work better too. There is no limit to how many times a Heterosexual can marry. A Homosexual cannot marry at all. This is why Marriage Equality is the correct term and why it is an issue.

The debate is not about Marriage as an intuition. Whether you agree with marriage being appropriate or not for gay people.

Many Heterosexuals have very successful long term relationships that thrive without the institution of marriage. Our Prime Minister being one of them. This is one of her main points, that you don't need marriage to have a loving and successful long term relationship.

But this is about choice, and regardless of whether marriage will be good for gay people or not, they currently do not have that choice. In our society this is discrimination and they deserve the same rights as everybody.

I don't think Marriage will be a good thing for the gay community in the long term. I am basing this on its current success and the unconventional nature and lifestyle of the gay community in general. They are a diverse group of people and many will be heading for divorce quicker than others. It will certainly be a boon for the lawyers with a new market of divorce cases. That will be a reality whether you feel that is pessimistic or not. Evidently, rainbows don't last forever in Oxford Street :-)

But none of these reasons is justification to deny gay people the choice of marriage, this is the 21st century and gay people are not just a naughty group of people who hide from society and have secret lives. They are a thriving and integral part of society and they live lives that are not too different from Heterosexuals. There is no justification why couples in love should be denied marriage because they are the same sex.

Talk to your local member and demand Tony Abbott to allow a conscience vote for all coalition MP's and then let's see if Australia is further behind the times of our Kiwi neighbours.

Do the right thing folks.



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