Monday, April 29, 2013


What was in the headlines this week?????

Here is a picture of the current problem in the Australian Racing Industry this week. The one on the left is Gai Waterhouse, described as a genius, even after the bust up, by the man on the right - millionaire media mogul John Singleton. In the middle of them is the major issue between them both, a horse you might say. But no it's the other end of the horse that you can't see, namely Tom Waterhouse.

No need to show you his face as he is in your lounge room every five minutes. Actually no, here's a pic of him you may not recall when he was known as the B grade celebrity Tom ...who? on Dancing with the stars.

Maybe this was the result of a failed audition for Bondi Rescue???

I better be careful, this man sues many.

Whether we will ever know the truth about inside trading or conflicts of interest this is a very business-savvy bloke who owns the largest betting operation in Australia. You don't get that success without a bit of pedigree, and look at the history of his parentage in the book making department. He certainly wears a fine cotton suit.

Gambling ruins lives, so forget the slogans that give the responsible "Bet Sensibly"message after telling you the Sharks are a value bet at $2.05. Great value that is for Tom because they actually lost. Feeding off the addictions of others is a pretty scabby way to earn a fortune but that's apparently what punters want. The only way to see the back of this guy is to stop betting with him.

As for Singo and Gai, life will go on, but the problem is not about Singo and Gai, it's all about Tom Waterhouse and Singo has had enough of him.


Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott reject calls for gay marriage vote before election

So they both don't want a referendum at the election, Julia says that it should be handled in Parliament with a conscience vote and Abbott doesn't want anything to cloud over his proposed crowning glory.

Fred Nile wants the referendum because he is certain it will be a NO vote, bearing in mind there has only been one YES vote in Australian history and that was to give the Aboriginal people the right to vote in the 1970s! See how progressive we really are as a nation! Are we really that behind the times?

Julia Gillard notes that our 15 year old's are 2 years behind the reading levels of their Asian equivalent but we are decades behind as a nation.

A referendum will probably return a NO vote but even if it did deliver a YES vote what will they do about it?

It's not the constitution that needs to change anyway, its just the Marriage Act. They can begin to change this now if they wanted to but Abbott doesn't want to risk losing the votes of those opposed to it and so he refuses to allow the conscience vote 'before the election'. If you are a coalition voter, demand him to change his position or threaten to remove your vote.

They all say elections are about local issues but that's rubbish if you turn your back on one of the biggest and most topical local issues, the one about equality. Mr Abbott asked today this question and I put it to you in this context. "Do you want three more years of this?"



Rover Draws Penis on Mars
Shocking that it's now drawing boob's on Venus

Eyewitness recounts brawl on Mt Everest
Shocking that it wasn't caused from spilt beer

$1.5million Compensation Payout for a Man Scared of Frogs
Shocked that he was also scared of money, such a vicious cycle :-)


Spice Girl Gerry Halliwell to join Australia's Got Talent
No surprise, I hear it's hard to get work in the UK at the moment

Cookie Monster Tried To Scam Photo Cash
No surprise, I hear it's hard to get work on Sesame Street

Paralysed Man learns how to have Orgasms from Caressing his Thumb
No surprise, I hear it's hard to get work in ... WTF?

That's the weirdness in the news from here and afar


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