Friday, April 19, 2013


Season Six of My Family kicks off without Nick but with the Harper's extended family keeping the laughs afloat.

The most notable change in this series is the amount of episodes which has reduced to a total of 8 including the Christmas special.

The best part of the reduced amount of episodes is that the quality of writing is a very high standard and the story lines are as zany and enjoyable as ever.

In the first episode we are introduced to the blossoming relationship between Roger and Abi and the series follows their clumsy and hapless courtship. When Roger speaks his native Welsh tongue to Abi it drives her wild. Even when the words are less than romantic.

ROGER "I have a second tongue"
ABI      "You've been keeping that secret"

Ben also has a very eventful first episode when he joins a secret fraternity known as the Brotherhood of the Cockerel.

Alfie helps him with his rooster moves for the initiation ceremony.

Ben is very excited until he eventually discovers that it's a secret gay men's group.

BEN "Two words, Susan - Gay, Disco!"
SUSAN "Do you want to expand on that?"
BEN "No!"

Other notable quotes from this series are:

RICHARD "I understand your eldest son is a Merchant Banker"
BEN           "Is he ever."

GRACE "It's not too early to have a drink is it?"
SUSAN "Well it wasn't ten minutes ago."

JANEY "I felt something sick in my stomach"
SUSAN "It's called guilt Janey, it's a human emotion"

ABI "The TV isn't working upstairs"
SUSAN "That's because the power is out"
ABI "Can I watch it down here then?"

The full list of episodes are as follows:

#66 Bliss For Idiots
Whilst Ben tries to join the Brotherhood of the Cockerel, Susan has an American author come to their home called Dr Buck who drives Ben up the wall.

#67 The Spokes Person
Hillary Jessop invites herself to dinner and competes with Susan to out do her. Ben starts a war with Cyclists only to discover Hillary's husband Richard is the cyclist that sparked the war in the first place.

#68 Dentally Unstable
When Ben goes away his replacement locum woos all the women in the Harper household, but he is married. Michael hatches a money making scam that involves them all pretending to be members of a family called the "Graylings"

#69 Living the Dream
After scoffing at Roger and Abi for falling for a pyramid scheme called Pyrimus, Ben and Susan find themselves even greater devotees and deeper in than the others.

#70 An Embarrassment of Susan's
Ben buys the house next door as a project for him and Susan to do up only to find squatters move in and lock him out of it. Meanwhile Susan finds the perfect girlfriend for Michael called Suzanne who he is very much into until Ben draws it to his attention that Suzanne is exactly like his mother Susan.

#71 And Other Animals
A stray dog chooses Ben as his best friend and Alfie interprets the dog's thoughts. Ben also has to bargain with a thrift shop attendant for Janey's teddy bear he accidentally threw out.

#72 The Art of Being Susan
Ben is away again and in her new job at the Art Gallery Susan has to wine and dine an art dealer. Meanwhile her mother woos the art dealer's father and embarrasses them all. In the final minutes of the episode Roger proposes to Abi who faints.

#73 The Heart of Christmas (double episode)
Ben pretends to be ill for Christmas but his tests actually reveal that he needs an operation. He loves his own room at e hospital but when it's discovered his health insurance has lapsed he is sent to an NHS ward. Meanwhile Janey has problems getting Kenzo's Christmas present and Alfie and Michael brew a concoction that is meant to make them irresistible to women.

Here is a production shot of the entire cast and production team of series 6

Here is a sample of Series 6

Episode 68 - Dentally Unstable

Enjoy My Family Series 6


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