Friday, March 15, 2013


So as some of you already know I published an eBook last year on called Max and the Opera House Ghost.

Whilst the book was well received by its readers there were some obstacles placed on its success and as sequels have been drafted to follow it, we needed to give it an overhaul to ensure these obstacles didn't place the future of the book series in jeopardy.

So we removed the book from sale and planned out a huge overhaul that would remove all of these obstacles and secure the potential future success of the book.

One big change we had to make was to change the location of the story and after weeks of researching possible locations I recently announced that the story was to take place in a fictional building in Sydney.

The fictional building is called the Garden Palace and it is a fictional replica of the original Garden Palace that was built in 1879. Our replica is rebuilt 100 years after the official opening of the original and real-life Garden Palace adjacent to the original site inside the Botanical Gardens.

Confused yet? Don't be, it's all explained in the new Prologue :-)

So once we chose this fictional building we needed to completely rewrite the book starting with the Prologue. The original Prologue described the location the story was to take place in and as it was set in an actual real-life building, this was mostly a non-fictional account of the building as it stood. Now because our new setting was a fictional building, we had to put a lot more into the Prologue to bring it to life.

So for the new Prologue we split it up into three parts, the original buildings history was first, we described the factual Garden Palace and its short lived history and its shocking demise in 1882. The second part was to introduce the fictional rebuilding of the Garden Palace 100 years later and describe its set up and its use as a performing arts building. Then we created a history of this new building to bring it up to speed and into the time period required to start our story off again in 2010.

Pretty easy hey! haha

The plot of our story remains the same, it is essentially the same story I always intended to tell and it remains unchanged.

But as the premises have changed there are lots of other edits that followed.

Those changes will be part of our blog next Friday.

Stay tuned people


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