Thursday, March 21, 2013


Whilst it's hard enough dodging illegal Cyclists on the footpath let's not forget those idiotic pedestrians with no regard or recognition of other people existing in the world.

Walking and Texting - Are you serious?
These arrogant and self indulgent people, expect others to just get out of their way.
You or your recipient are really not that interesting to make it necessary to risk walking into someone.
I admit i am guilty of this sometimes, but how dumb is it? Really.

Wonky walkers - Walk straight!
What is the difficulty in walking straight? So many people walk on an angle without any reason.
Keep left and everyone gets a go. I exclude people like my mum with medical reasons for this.
But the rest of you get an equilibrium and balance up.

Mothers with Prams 
Pushing that stroller or pram at people to make them get out of your way is self absorbed ignorance.
If you push your pram at me I will kick the baby

Those who walk right in front of you and stop with that 'where the hell am i?' factor are quite irritating.
If you really don't know where you are going, stay where you bloody are.

Sharing the path - who doesn't share it?
Groups in a line 3-4 abreast
Couples holding hands yet two metres apart
Two mums side by side with prams
Skateboard riding pests
Friends standing in the middle of a busy path having a chat
Parents with kids on a dog chain

Pedestrians really need to slow down and walk at a safe pace.
Don't assume no one is around that corner
If your gait is wobbly or hard to sustain, chances are you are walking like a freak.
Slow down.
We are not ants who walk so fast they bump into each other.
Or are we?

Be considerate Sydney folk!


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