Friday, May 24, 2013


It was slow progress on the book this week as there was not as much time available to me to work on it.

However I have managed to get Chapter 4 within a few pages of being completed in the current rewrite.

With an easier work load next week I do believe it will be off to the editors by next week blog.

This chapter contains the mysterious Greenroom Cafeteria fiasco when the kitchens are turned upside down and the surly young female cashier is pushed over the edge when she encounters the vandal.

The old Tour Guide Mary also shares some secrets of the past and the Manager of the cafeteria introduces the mysterious existence of what he calls The Garden Palace Devil.

But he says very little about it as he is under the watchful eye of new Security Guard Terry Knight.

Our hero Max desperately wants to know more and persuades the manager to catch up after work in the pub.

But this provides a tremendous distraction to his training and soon enough its pretty clear Max is struggling to keep up with the standard expected of him, and passing the training is anything but guaranteed.

The good news is that its the last day of tour training but the bad news is that Max has to get through it and avoid the attentions of the entire management team who are conducting spot checks on random mock tours.

Enter Frieda and Quarraalia

Stay tuned,


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