Friday, May 10, 2013


Well it's official, Chapter Three "The Palace Theatre" was completed this week and has been sent to the editing team!

Very happy with the outcome and the adjustments of the original material to make it fit the new location.

The unfortunate reality is that I am about 4 weeks behind schedule and I cannot see any way at the moment to pick up the slack.

But the point is that the book is getting better with every re-write and it's going to be brilliant by the end of it, so it's better to spend this time wisely rather than simply rush it for time.

I do see the due date slipping further behind unless commitments ease up a little.

However as I write this blog the estimated publishing date is 31st January 2014.

Considering I initially thought I would be writing Book II this year, this projection is disappointing, but without Book I there is no Book II so the current rewriting is essential.

Chapter Three is the first appearance of the character Charlie who becomes an integral character to our trilogy and it is also the first appearance of Terrence Knight at the Garden Palace.

I have now begun to rewrite Chapter Four, the original title of Chapter Four was The Legend of the Opera House Ghost. Well there still is a so-called ghost but there is no longer an Opera House ,so one wonders what the new title will be.

Perhaps it may be The Legend of the Garden Palace Devil?

We shall see...


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