Monday, May 27, 2013


Pell apology insincere, abuse victims say

If you ever needed proof that religion is a sham then here is your poster boy, George Pell.
Priest and Archbishops, and whatever other fancy title you want to call yourself in order to wear a pretty hat, are looked up to as "Holy" men of the cloth and they actually hold revered positions in many societies. But so many of them were monsters who ruined many kids lives forever and the bastards all got away with it. They are all now in heaven - their version of heaven.

This man pictured above has been repeatedly named as a person who covered up the actions of priests and admitted to paying off families for their silence to protect the church and his mates, yet he sat there and said swore never ever covered up anything.

So folks not only do priests form a cesspool of violent rapists, they are bona fide timeless liars and to this day they choose to save themselves over their parish or congregation and they continue to this day to cover their arses.

This man is a dinosaur and he should resign, he has blood on his hands and yet he will deny it to the bitter end. Is this liar a man to look up to? If this is God's disciple on earth why are you interested in such a God?

I believe good people do find a heaven, this man's heaven is no place to seek eternity, it's full of monsters and those who turned a blind eye and spun a lie to save a dirty mate.

The Catholic Church is worse than any corrupt business as not only do they harbour greed and self interest they deliberately hurt innocent children and they back each other up with lies.

You would find more holiness in a prison.

Checking the Headlines.....


Chinese Spies Steal ASIO blueprints
SECRET and highly sensitive blueprints outlining the layout of Australia's top spy agency's new headquarters have been stolen by Chinese hackers

I'm shocked Australia didn't take this as a compliment.

Gillard Backs The Dragon Queen
Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she is an avid Game Of Thrones fan.

I'm shocked because I thought she was supporting Julie Bishop for a second.

Man's 9-year Zombie Nightmare
Man with rare Cotard's "Walking Corpse" syndrome is cured of thinking he is a zombie.

I'm shocked he has managed to lead the federal Liberal party at the same time!


Gai Waterhouse Found Guilty
Racing NSW stewards have found Gai Waterhouse guilty on two charges.

No surprise, guilty about the horse, guilty of giving birth to Tom

Charlie Sheen To Work Under Birth Name
For new film the actor is working under is birth name Carlos Estevez

No surprise his name was mud for a while

Church Says It Needs More Exorcists
The Catholic archdiocese in Madrid says it needs more Exorcists to help its faithful cope with the Devil.

No surprise the Devil seems to be rife within the establishment these days.

Be good out there


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