Thursday, May 16, 2013


I have had enough of the greed that exists in this country and this so-called class warfare that's being coined by the rich sods of our society.

Greed is what pushes this country towards a right-wing political party and the polls in this country reflect that greed in bucket loads.

No one wants to pay for anything that might benefit someone other than themselves.

Businesses want more profits so they want a right-wing government that will lower their taxes. Will they lower their prices? I think not.

The right wing political party want to stop the boats. Why? Don't we want to help refugees? If you want to stop the boats you don't want to help those who really need it. The right thing to do is to set up a better way for refugees to access our country. We have no reason not to offer refuge to these people, we just want to stop them getting killed in the process and then having to become prisoners because we can't just let them in. But don't be greedy and think shutting them out is the answer.

Everyone wants a beautiful world to live in, but no one wants to pay for it. The air is free? Bullshit. The air in Asia is choking it's inhabitants. Do we want to get like that before we stop the greed? The right wing political party are going to remove the price on carbon. No more Carbon Tax! The companies will rejoice not having to pay the Carbon Tax, but will they lower their prices? I think not!

Superannuation had a change when the highest bracket was lowered from $250,000pa to $100,000pa. It affected around 10-15% of our population, yet this are the more powerful percentage of our population and they were outraged about having to pay more taxes on their well greased retirement fund. Greedy bastards don't care there are many millions of Australians who will struggle through life and through old age on abut 25% of what they earn. Stop the Greed!

Wake up Australia! Don't turn this country into a dog eat dog southern version of America where its every man for himself. The Aussie way is about helping your mate and looking after each other. What happened to that? Surely its not just footballers and other sportsmen that carry this image of Australia.

Stop pushing people aside, stop fighting for that seat, stop grabbing the last item on the shelf. Stop the right wing fat cats getting control of this country.

Stop the Greed.


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