Friday, May 10, 2013


Season 9 of My Family really was the season that broke the Harpers. It was following this season that the actors, the producers and the networks decided that it was time to call it a day.

However, the quality of the performances by the cast is still top notch, even if the stories and plot lines are a little bit askew.

The highlight of the season is the celebrated 100th Episode, quite a milestone, and celebrated with a clip show as we look back on the years of all the Harpers so Kenzo can compile a school project.

The Christmas special followed this episode and it was a very strange and interesting look into the future at the Harpers in the year 2039. Sadly of course due to the actors no longer being with the show this did not include the characters of Nick and Abi Harper or Alfie Butts.

But there are a lot of laughs in this 10 episode season and the Harper household continues to never have a dull moment.

There was a notable error in continuity in this series with Episode 94 declaring that Michael and Nick were named after old flames of Susan's. However in a previous season when Janey is giving birth, Ben and Susan have flashbacks to Nick's birth and we discover he got his name in a different way.
They decide that they will name him after the next person that enters the room which is the doctor.
When they ask him his name he replies "Bum Face" but then explains its a nickname. This is where Ben gets the idea to call their son Nick.

In episode 99 The Guru, star of the stage and screen John Barrowman plays a mysterious man Susan encounters in an Albanian airport lounge with dashing looks and romantic charms.

Here's the list of episodes....

#92 Bully For Ben
After tagging along with the kids at the local pub quiz, Ben notices a man cheating and ends up being hit after confronting him. He decides to get in shape with hilarious results.

#93 Bringing Up Janey
Ben suspects Susan of cheating on her and when he finds a hotel room key in her bag he discovers James Garret in the room - along with Janey. When Ben thinks about how rich James is, his age is suddenly not a factor as Ben imagines life with a rich son-in-law.

#94 A Very Brief Encounter
Susans old friend Margot visits and they enlist Ben to help make her ex husband jealous. Meanwhile Janey invents a fictitious Swedish friend that likes Roger in an attempt to cheer him up. She enlists Michael to pretend to be Elke on the phone which results in Roger going to Sweden to visit her.

#95 The Psyche of Mikey
Michael is seeing a psychiatrist and Ben and Susan want to know why. They are convinced he is losing the plot when they hear him talking on the phone to a friend in his bedroom. His friend is also called Michael and they assume he is talking to himself. They break into his shrinks office but discover he is only seeing him for a university project.

#96 A Difficult Undertaking
Ben's Uncle Norris dies and the wake is held at the Harpers. Somehow Ben's new suit is confused with Uncle Norris' burial suit and the corpse ends up wearing it in the coffin. Naturally when Ben wins the lottery he remembers the ticket was in his new suit, now on Uncle Norris.

#97 Dog Dazed
Susan tries to get a dog and is rejected by the pound lady. Ben goes to the pound and talks the lady into letting Susan have the dog only to discover Susan has handcuffed herself to the bars of one of the kennels in protest. Somehow it results in Ben being locked in with an aggressive Rottweiler.

#98 It's Training Men
An American patient of Ben's is mortified by his practises and after she leaves Roger warns been of an undercover assessor from the company that now owns their surgeries, Cavitex. This results in Ben attending a training weekend and is the only one who doesn't pass. Unless he can satisfy his male boss.

#99 The Guru
A rich Dentist dedicates a book to Ben and they catch up so Ben can remember who he is. The rich man turns his world upside down to be more like Ben. Meanwhile Susan meets a mysterious Doctor in an Albanian airport lounge who has romantic charms that could possibly steal her away from Ben.

#100 Kenzo's Project
This is the clip show to celebrate 100 episodes of My Family and Kenzo interviews the family for a school project. We then have flashbacks of misadventures that have since passed and some delightful encores of Nick and Abi get to be revisited. The result of Kenzo's project is a pass mark however his teachers also recommend he see a child psychologist to help him deal with his family.

#101 2039 - A Christmas Oddity
The Harpers are now thrust ahead 30 years into the future and the Christmas they celebrate is still  a family war zone. Ben is slower in his 80's but Susan still looks young, thanks to a bit of moisturiser. Michael is trying to convince them all that he was regrown his hair and that its not a wig. Janey is the size of a sumo wrestler thanks to an addiction to fudge and Kenzo is now a grown man who visits. Roger is now reduced to a head in a jar after previously being attacked by lions at the zoo. They recall a previous Christmas when they played a hideous gift game that resulted in their current downfalls.


Here is the 100th episode of My Family for your enjoyment:



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