Sunday, June 30, 2013


Whilst working on Chapter 6 I thought it a good time to look back on what started the inspiration of the book.

It was indeed a story about a ghost in a theatre that to me seemed as boring as hell.

Now don't get me wrong, I love a good ghost story and love going to so-called haunted places.

But this story seemed to lack anything spooky at all to me.

It's a story that a figure of man is sometimes seen in one of he highest boxes of a theatre, some said it seemed to be smoking a cigar, and yet whenever they tried to open the door to get in to see who it was it would not open. Yet once the show had ended the door would unlock and wouldn't you know it, the ghost was gone. They even said that the ghost was often seen with a smaller ghostly companion resembling a boy.

Now I am far too cynical to accept that story and re-tell it because the minute someone picked it to pieces i would be on their side.

Firstly, why didn't they just bring the house lights up during the show if they were that worried?

Secondly, wouldn't the house lights come up anyway at the end so you would see if there was anything there without needing to get in?

But also if you cant tell who it is, how do u know it was a little boy and not a girl next to it?

But ultimately I just thought the story was simply lame.

But! - Imagine if this story was only very small part of an even greater story!

And that concept or idea is what lead to the Garden Palace series being born.

The Garden Palace series answers all the questions I had.

Yes, there was a ghostly figure of a man in that box, and yes, there was a little boy next him.

But who were they? What were they? And how did they get there? And how did they remain unseen?

By following Max Peterson and his gang you will certainly unravel this mystery in time, however things don't always go according to plan and there are others who have their own reasons for keeping this mystery dead and buried.

But before they can unravel the secrets of this mysterious ghost, they need to uncover who the Garden Palace Devil is first.

For that is an entirely different legend in itself.


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