Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Its time to end the hypocrisy!

This city is crawling with people who say they are one thing yet their actions suggest another!

Sure we can point the finger at the politicians first and foremost but as it's part of their job description its not very fair to then criticise them for it.

How about the fundraisers? In my building there are several people who work for very world famous charities yet they walk straight past the beggars on the street and ignore the friendly man selling The Big Issue (which is a very good read might I add!)

How about the priests? Shall we go there too? Why not? They are some of the biggest hypocrites in the world with the splendour and grandeur they live in and the expenses they run up. Not to mention the taxes they dont pay. Would they really need to fund raise for the poor if they lived a life that's a little more humble?

And the cyclists who believe that what they are doing is good for the environment and survival of the human race yet they illegally ride on footpaths and nearly kill or maim innocent pedestrians.

Then there's the racists who think they are not racist even though they only want to marry someone the same race as themselves.

How about the so called well-mannered colleague who swears like a soldier on the phone to her husband then reports the young office guy for saying "Fuck" in the lunch room.

And the large woman who tells the school kid to get out of the train seat because she paid full fare then gives the slim lady a serve for asking her to move her bag so she can also sit down.

Or the executive who condemns a constituent for calling an aboriginal visitor an ape, then suggests publicly the same visitor would be suitable to promote a new musical about King Kong.

I'm not racist, it's just humour - I'm not homophobic, I just find guys kissing groce, I care about homeless but they should just try to get a job, I am proud to be Australian but I intend to ignore its laws - all hypocrisy!

Hypocrisy is the state of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, that one does not actually have.

Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.

Wake up to yourself people and stop the negative impact you are having on this great city of ours.


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