Thursday, June 27, 2013


Okay let's face it, these people are out there in abundance!

Droplet incubators who spew their contaminated liquid through the atmosphere without care or consideration where it falls.

These people are worse than sewer rats and those flying rats also known as pigeons who spread disease throughout society.

One of these vile human beings gave me a cold and I am not happy about it.

But you look back once you have gotten a cold and you remember all those people it could have been.

That sniffler standing behind you in the elevator.

That student before your singing lesson too sick to sing.

That baby slung over its mothers shoulder with candle wax on its lip.

That colleague coughing over the desk petition.

That seedy man who shook your hand.

That chick that sneezed without a tissue like in the picture above.

Naturally we blame someone else for giving us a cold and why shouldn't we? I mean its not like I got sick because the air conditioning broke at work on Monday and we all froze for a day. It's not like I sat out in the night air last Friday watching football in 7 degrees celsius. Its not like I left the gym all sweaty last Thursday night and got a chill.

No it's that bloody baby or the idiot colleague.



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